Friday, 28 September 2007

Secretary of the Roman Society

Today is Dr Helen Cockle's last day as Roman Secretary. We wish her well in her new part-time post as Reviews Editor for the Classical Association, a few doors down from her old office.

We also welcome Dr Fiona Haarer as the new Roman Secretary.

Saturday, 22 September 2007

New electronic resource on Pompeii

A photograph of Pompeii by Giacomo Brogi (1822-1881)
A fantastic new resource for those researching Pompeii is now available at the Library.

'The World of Pompeii' edited by John J. Dobbins & Peter W. Foss contains essays on Pompeii, all by renowned Classicists and also contains a CD-ROM of very detailed maps of the sites at Pompeii and Herculaneum. These maps have been added to our computers - please ask one of our staff for advice on how to use this very useful program.

Publisher's website on the book:

Friday, 21 September 2007


The Library staff would like to congratulate former SCONUL trainee Claire Davenport on receiving funding for library school and her new job with the Classical Association.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Evening opening hours

The Library will have extended opening hours until 8pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2nd October until the 13th December 2007.

New Blog

A picture of the Battle of Issus mosaic
Welcome to the new blog of the Joint Library of the Hellenic & Roman Societies / Institute of Classical Studies Library, hence the name JO (Joint) LI (Library) HE (Hellenic) RO (Roman) ICS (Institute of Classical Studies) - JOLIHEROICS
Here we will have up-to-the-minute news and updates on the Library. Watch this space!

Blog created by Mark Sutcliffe on the 20th September 2007