Thursday, 27 November 2008


The Library has acquired a Hewlett Packard scanner (5300c series) for readers to use in the computer room. It is a flat-bed scanner which can be used for black / white or colour images. Unfortunately as of January 2009, this no longer works! but we will be looking into purchasing a new one in the near future.

Sad news for 3 journals

We no longer subscribe to the following journals in the library published by Fabrizio Serra due to overwhelming price increases this year.

The journals are:
Musiva & sectilia: international journal for the study of ancient pavements and wall revetments in their decorative and architectural context - this was purchased for the David Smith Mosaic Archive. Hardback copy price up by over 100% from €445 to €895.
Orizzonti: rassegna di archeologia. Up by 65.5% from €420 to €695.
Workshop di archeologia classica: paesaggi, costruzioni, reperti. Paperback copy price up by 6.2% from €325 to €345.

Our subscription to Mediterranea: quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà Italiche e del Mediterraneo Antico del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche is also under consideration for the same reason.

At this present moment we are priced out of the market. Fortunately, those wishing to consult the current scholarship in these important journals may continue to do so at the British Library. We apologise for the inappropriate gap in our holdings.

We would be interested to hear from any other libraries or institutions who have the same problems.