Friday, 30 November 2007

Jacoby Online now live

Following the successful trial of Jacoby Online, the Library Committee decided to purchase Brill's New Jacoby and Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker. They are now available to use in the computer room - please book time from the Library desk.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

New periodical - Groma

The Joint Library now receives Groma, from v. 1 (2007), as part of the exchange with the archaeology department of the Università degli Studi di Bologna. It is a publication of the Centro Studi per l'Archeologia dell'Adriatico and is concerned with the archaeology of Piceno, Dalmatia and Epirus.

For more information on the organisation Groma and its journal see

Charles Elliott Slides

The Library has recently acquired the slide collection of the late Charles Richard Babington Elliott, who was Head of the Classics Department at Nottingham High School and spent his holidays visiting sites in Greece and Italy. There are over 17,000 slides in the collection, some of the most recent depicting the treasures of Thessaloniki Museum.

Friday, 9 November 2007

Journal of Roman Studies/Britannia now available

Picture of the Roman Society logo

The 2007 Journal of Roman Studies and Britannia have now been published. Members of the Roman Society who did not request their journal to be posted to them can collect their journal from the Library.