In July 2014, Professor Daniele Manacorda made the
proposition that the floor should be returned to the world famous Flavian
Amphitheatre. The floor has been absent
since its removal in the 19th century, when it was removed during
excavations. Since then, the
Amphitheatre has been missing its floor (and sand) and the exposed innards of the
hypogeum have been an iconic part for visitors to the attraction and experts.

The Flavian Amphitheatre was inextricably linked with
gladiatorial combat, despite there also being beast hunts, executions, chariot
races, animal hunt and reports that the arena was flooded for the infamous naumachia. Gladiators have
seen a resurgence in popular media in the past few decades with Ridley Scott’s Gladiator (2000), and more recently with
the television series Spartacus (2010).
However, this news has not recieved unanimous approval. Dr Salvatore Settis, a Professor
of classical archaeology and former head of Italy's cultural heritage council, argues
that whilst Italy is suffering from economic troubles and financial
stringencies, the idea of refitting the floor to the Colosseum is ridiculous. “We are living a dramatic moment
for cultural patrimony. In this situation, I do not think that giving the Colosseum
back its floor is a priority.”
If you are
interested in reading more about the Flavian Amphitheatre or about gladiators,
then we suggest the following from our catalogue: -
: violence and spectacle in ancient Rome
Dunkle, Roger.
Harlow ; New York : Pearson/Longman, c2008.
Dunkle, Roger.
Harlow ; New York : Pearson/Longman, c2008.
Classmark: 152F
gladiators : history's most deadly sport
Meijer, Fik.
New York : Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Press, c2005.
Meijer, Fik.
New York : Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Press, c2005.
Classmark: 152F
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