Monday, 23 May 2016

ICS events 23rd-28th May 2016

Monday 23rd May
17:30 Roman Art Seminar
Wild beasts in context: the great mosaic from the Vicus Augustanus at Castelporziano
Amanda Claridge (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Room 243 - Senate House

Tuesday 24th May
17:00 ICS Classical Archaeology Seminar
Iconology of an Animal Combat: On the Lion Attacking a Horse in the Musei Capitolini
Claire Lyons (Getty Villa)
Room 349 - Senate House

Wednesday 25th May
13:00 ICS Director's Seminar
Ethnography and Empire: The Tower of Babel narrative in Philo 'De Confusione Linguarum', Origen 'Contra Celsum' and Julian 'Contra Galilaeos'
John Hilton (KwaZulu-Natal)
Room 246 - Senate House

18:00 Hellenic Society Summer Lecture
'Dionysus and India: Lucian to Gandhara'
Phiroze Vasunia (UCL)
Room 349 - Senate House

Thursday 26th May
16:30 ICS Ancient History Seminar
China and the Hellenistic world in the 3rd century BC - an archaeological assessment
Lukas Nickel (SOAS)
Room 349 - Senate House

Friday 27th May
16:30 ICS Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminar
An interdisciplinary experiment: Pindar and Parmenides: poetics of competition and ontological enquiry
Chiara Ciampa (KCL)
Room 246 - Senate House

Please note that the Library will be closed this Bank Holiday weekend:
Saturday 28th May & Monday 30th May

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Hedgehog or Porcupine?

The library staff were quite taken with the creature on this title page, thinking it was a hedgehog, only to find that apparently it is a porcupine.

This is the emblem of the Fabretti family, whose motto, "philois charisasthai echthron amynasthai", means roughly be nice to your friends, guard yourself against your enemies!


Title page of Inscriptionvm antiquarvm quae in aedibvs paternis asservantvr explicatio et additamentvm (1699), by Raffaele Fabretti.

Thank you to our Twitter friends for the mediaeval hedgehog facts!

ICS events 16th-21st May 2016

Monday 16th May
16:30 ICS Ancient Philosophy Seminar
"Where are you going and where have you come from?" Beginnings and endings in Plato
Stephen Halliwell (St Andrews)
Room 243 - Senate House

Tuesday 17th May
17:30 ICS Workshop
Global Philology, Greco-Roman Studies, and Classics in the 21st Century.
Prof. Gregory Crane (Tufts; Leipzig), ST Lee Fellow in round table discussion with Dr Imre Galambos (Cambridge), Professor Eleanor Robson (UCL), Dr Sarah Savant (Aga Khan University), Dr Michael Willis (British Museum)

This discussion explores the question of what Classics can realistically mean in a century where China, India (with its six official Classical languages), and the various nations of the Arabic and Persian-speaking world play an active role in shaping global cultures.
Room 349 - Senate House

Wednesday 18th May
13:00 ICS Director's Seminar
The philosopher’s 'mania': Socrates, Plato and alteration of consciousness
Yulia Ustinova (Ben Gurion)
Room 246 - Senate House

15:30 ICS Mycenean Series
Digging up the past: the Minoan site of Apesokari in the Mesara
Georgia Flouda (Herakleion)
Woburn Suite, G22/26 - Senate House

Thursday 19th May
16:30 ICS Ancient History Seminar
Pottery, tax and the Chreophylax: reconsidering Hellenism at Seleucid Uruk
Cameron Petrie (Cambridge)
Room 349 - Senate House

Friday 20th May
16:30 ICS Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminar
Entering the new Hellenistic world: Sparta in the third century B.C.
Andrea Scarpato (Leicester)
Room 246 - Senate House

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

ICS events 9-14th May 2016

Monday 9th May
17:30 ICS Roman Art Seminar
Roman bronze statuettes at the Ashmolean Museum: ancient and modern receptions
Nick West (Wolfson College, Oxford)
Room 243 - Senate House

Tuesday 10th May
17:00 A.D. Trendall Lecture
Italic Dionysos in 4th Century BC Apulia
Thomas Carpenter (Ohio)
G22/26 - Senate House

Wednesday 11th May
13:00 ICS Director's Seminar
Exempla of adulatio in Seneca's 'de ira'
Martina Russo (La Sapienza, Rome)
Room 246 - Senate House

Thursday 12th May
16:30 ICS Ancient History Seminar
Hellenism in Parthian Mesopotamia
Lucinda Dirven (Amsterdam)
G22/26 - Senate House

Friday 13th May
16:30 ICS Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminar
Gesture and movement in Roman cursing rituals
Stuart McKie (Open University)
Room 246 - Senate House

Saturday 14th May
11:30 Virgil Society
11.30 Reading the poet: Aeneid II
Virgil Society members led by John Hazel
14:00 AGM
15:00 'Vitae' and 'Mortes': Virgil's Biography and the Parity of Life and Words
Ahuvia Kahane
G22/26 - Senate House

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.