Thursday, 11 August 2016

Library system downtime on 16th August

Please note that on Tuesday 16th August the library’s circulation system and online catalogue will be unavailable due to system upgrades. This is for the installation of a new Library Management System and Catalogue.

This means that books will have to be issued manually. Any books returned will be kept aside and checked in the following morning.

While the catalogue is offline, you can search using COPAC or Search25.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this will cause and thank you for your patience.

(This will also affect Senate House Library and other SAS libraries.)

See notice on Senate House Library website for more details

Monday, 8 August 2016

Happy International Cat Day!

Greek: αἴλουρος; αἰέλουρος;
Latin: f(a)eles; f(a)elis, cat(t)us (late)
Cats in antiquity were likely to be feral, attracted to the large mouse and rat populations which thrived on grain stores, and later, cities. In Egypt, the cat was domesticated by 2000 BC, and the domestic cat did not evolve from the European wildcat, but from the Egyptian and Libyan wildcat. Herodotus tells us that the Egyptians loved their cats and often embalmed them (2.66f.). Cats travelled to other countries from Egypt, often as ship's cats, and by Roman times domesticated cats were common.
Kitchell (2014), Animals in the Ancient World from A to Z, pages 24-25.
Mosaic from Pompeii showing cat with bird, ducks and fish (Image 1830 from Imago database)
See also: 

Donalson (1999), The domestic cat in Roman civilization
152G DON

Engels (1999), Classical cats: the rise and fall of the sacred cat
152G ENG

Kalof (ed.) (2007), A cultural history of animals in antiquity
152G KAL

And for a bit of fun:

Seuss (2000), Cattus petasatus : The cat in the hat in Latin 
qui libellus est a Doctore Seuss, primo anglice compositus, at nunc (quod vix credas) in sermonem latinum a Guenevera Tunberg et Terentio Tunberg conversus!
206C SEU

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Female authors in antiquity

You may have seen this post going around earlier this week, detailing an impressive list of female authors from antiquity:

If, like a certain library trainee, you are intrigued by this and would like to find out more about classical women authors, here are some suggestions on where to start:

Greene (ed.) (2015), Women poets in ancient Greece and Rome
Class mark: 99A.1 GRE

Plant (ed.), (2004), Women writers of ancient Greece and Rome: an anthology
Class mark: 96.1

Balmer (1996), Classical women poets
Class mark: 96.1

Snyder (1989), The woman and the lyre: women writers in classical Greece and Rome
Class mark: 99A.1

Lefkowitz; Fant (2016), Women's life in Greece and Rome : a source book in translation (Fourth Edition) - especially Chapter 1 "Women's Voices - Female Poets"
Class mark: 152J.1 LEF


Churchill; Brown; Jeffrey (eds.) (2002), Women writing Latin: from Roman antiquity to early modern Europe (3 vols.)
Class mark: 99G CHU

Stevenson (2005), Women Latin poets: language, gender, and authority, from antiquity to the eighteenth century
Class mark: 99J STE


De Martino (2006), Poetesse greche
Class mark: 97.1

Rayor (1991), Sappho's lyre: archaic lyric and women poets of ancient Greece
Class mark: 97.38 RAY


Waithe (ed.) (1987), A history of women philosophers: Vol. 1. Ancient women philosophers, 600 B.C.-500 A.D.
Class mark: 123E WAI

Pomeroy (2013), Pythagorean women: their history and writings
Class mark: 123J POM

Bagnall; Cribiore (2006), Women's letters from ancient Egypt, 300 BC-AD 800
Class mark: 101H BAG