Thursday, 31 March 2016

ICS event on 31st May: Greek Homosexuality

 Greek Homosexuality:

An event to mark the publication of a new edition of Kenneth Dover's book

Tuesday 31st May 2016
18:00 - 20:00
(Doors open 17:45)
Senate House - Woburn Suite, G22/26

To mark the reissuing by Bloomsbury Academic of the 1989 edition of Kenneth Dover’s Greek Homosexuality (with two new forewords), there will be a panel discussion of the book and its influence chaired by Paul Cartledge (Cambridge), with panel members Stephen Halliwell (St Andrews), Mark Masterson (University of Wellington), James Robson (Open University) and Caroline Vout (Cambridge). All are welcome.

For additional information please contact

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

ICS events 30th March-16th April 2016

Wednesday 30th March
9:30 Library opens
Please note that evening opening will not start until Tuesday 26th April (when term starts).
Out of term opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 6.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am - 4.30pm

Thursday 31st March
16:30  ICS Ancient History Seminar  EVENT CANCELLED
Religion and Identity in the Black Sea Region: Jewish Communities of the Bosporan Kingdom
Irina Levinskaya (St. Petersburg)
Senate House - Room 349

11th-15th April: 5 day Epidoc workshop
A 5-day training workshop on digital editing of epigraphic and papyrological texts (registration required)
Senate House - Room 234

Monday 11th April
9:30-17:00 Women in Classics: Past, Present and Future
The Launch Of The Women’s Classical Committee
Senate House - Room 349
More information and registration here

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.

Friday, 18 March 2016

ICS and other events 21st-23rd March 2016

Monday 21st March
17:00 ICS Ancient Literature Seminar EVENT CANCELLED
Milgram and the disobedient hero
Ineke Sluiter (Leiden)
Senate House - Room 349

17:30 Roman Art Seminar
Hercules Ovidianus in Augustan Rome: between literature and figurative repertory
Isabella Colpo (Universit degli Studi di Padova)
Senate House - Room 243

Tuesday 22nd March
17:00 Classical Archaeology Seminar
Illustrating Antiquity in the Eighteenth Century: Historicism and Visuality
Daniel Orrells (KCL)
Senate House - Room 349

Wednesday 23rd March
20:00 Library closes for Easter.
We will re-open on Wednesday 30th March.
Evening opening will recommence on Tuesday 26th April (when term starts).

Wishing everyone a good break!

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

ICS and other events 14-19th March 2016

Monday 14th March
16:30 ICS Ancient Philosophy Seminar
Between the Dionysia and the Dialogues: Plato's use of comedy
David Preston (Royal Holloway)
Senate House - Room 243

17:00 ICS Ancient Literature Seminar
Between democracy and autocracy: patterns in the spread of theatre through Classical Greece
Eric Csapo (Sydney)
Senate House - Room 349

Tuesday 15th March
18:00 ICS and Friends of the British School at Athens Lecture
Hellenic Studies in Tudor England: presenting an online interactive edition of an unpublished Greek encomium on Henry VIII.
Chair: Elizabeth Jeffreys
Charalambos Dendrinos, Philip Taylor, Christoper Wright
Senate House - Room G22/26

Wednesday 16th March
15:30 ICS Mycenaean Series
Kakovatos in Tryphilia (Peloponnese): rise and fall of an early Mycenaean site
Brigitta Eder (Vienna)
Senate House - Room G22/26 

18:00 2016 Rumble Lecture in Classical Art
Queering Classical Art
Whitney Davis (Pardee Professor of History and Theory of Ancient and Modern Art at the University of California at Berkeley and Visiting Professor of History of Art at the University of York)
King's College London - Great Hall, King's Building, Strand

Thursday 17th March
16:30  ICS Ancient History Seminar
Herakles and the challenges of colonial environments in the Black Sea
David Braund (Exeter)
Senate House - Room 349

Friday 18th March
14:30  ICS Early Career Seminar
‘Well-played, Fluttershy…’: Defeating Discord and Dragons in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Ellie Mackin
Senate House - Room 243

16:30 ICS Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminar
The myth of Heracles in Diodorus' Bibliotheke: Variety of sources and traditions
Victoria Rotar (Trinity St David)
Senate House - Room 246

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Easter closure 2016

The Library will close on Wednesday 23rd March at 8.00pm and will re-open on Wednesday 30th March at 9.30am.

Easter is early this year, so when the library re-opens on 30th March there are 3 weeks before evening opening re-starts (to coincide with term-time). The first day of evening opening will be on Tuesday 26th April.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

ICS and other events this week 7-12th March 2016

Monday 7th March
17:00 ICS Ancient Literature Seminar
The Cultural Politics of Plautine Topography
Sophia Papaioannou
Senate House - Room 349

17:30 Roman Art Seminar
Looking like Caesar. A case-study of assimilation in late Republican portraiture
Nigel Spivey (Emmanuel College, Cambridge)
Senate House - Room 243

Tuesday 8th March
17:00 Classical Archaeology Seminar
Photographs in the Antiquities Trade
Vinnie Nørskov (Aarhus)
Senate House - Room 349

17:30 Roman Society Lecture
Dura Europos
Introduced and Chaired by Professor Simon James
Professor Pierre Leriche: The new image of Europos-Dura on the Euphrates in the light of 25 seasons of archaeological research
Dr Jen Baird: Yale's Dura Archive: new excavation histories
Senate House - Chancellor's Hall

Wednesday 9th March
17:00 Rome-London Lecture
Grotte Scalina: a new monumental Etruscan tomb near Viterbo
Vincent Jolivet (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Senate House - Room G22/26

Thursday 10th March
13:00 Rome in Bloomsbury Seminar
“Location, Location, Location”? Some thoughts on the Religious Topography of Dura-Europos
Ted Kaizer, Durham University
28 Russell Square, 2.02

16:00-20:00 SAS Open Day
Senate House
Free registration here

16:30  ICS Ancient History Seminar
Colonising Bosphorus: the Creation of the Bosphoran Kingdom in the Archaic Period
Catherine Morgan (Oxford)
Senate House - Room G22/26

Friday 11th March
16:30 ICS Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminar
Revisiting pollution for homicide at Athens: A rhetorical perspective
Christine Plastow (UCL)
Senate House - Room 243

If the ICS Events page is unavailable, please see the SAS Events brochure (pdf) or here for ICS events listings.